Comic heroe event draws crowds in Hartlepool

The event was hailed as a big success.The event was hailed as a big success.
The event was hailed as a big success.
Children's superhero characters came to life as a comic and popular culture convention was held in Hartlepool.

Characters including Groot, from Guardians of the Galaxy, and Optimus Prime, from Transformers, were among the attractions at the event, which took place at the Best Western Grand Hotel, in Swainston Street.

Organised by Unleashed Events, it was a day of fun put on as something of a taster to a bigger convention, which will be held at Hartlepool Borough Hall on March 11 next year.

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McKenzie, left, and Lucas Liddle pictured with one of their Star Wars heroes.McKenzie, left, and Lucas Liddle pictured with one of their Star Wars heroes.
McKenzie, left, and Lucas Liddle pictured with one of their Star Wars heroes.

There are hopes that yesterday’s event will have whetted the appetite of people in the town.

Sharon Hall, who organised the convention for Unleashed, said: “We’ve been wanting to run an event like this in Hartlepool for quite a while now, so it was really good to be able to hold this one.

“The venue was great and we mainly aimed the convention at small children, with Little Princesses and Transformers among the main attractions.

“It was a taster, really, for a bigger event on March 11 at the Borough Hall.

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McKenzie, left, and Lucas Liddle pictured with one of their Star Wars heroes.McKenzie, left, and Lucas Liddle pictured with one of their Star Wars heroes.
McKenzie, left, and Lucas Liddle pictured with one of their Star Wars heroes.

“We’re hoping that even more people will be able to make it to that one.”

Other costume characters were also in attendance, while there was a costume parade and lightsabre training for those who attended.

Disney princesses took to the stage to perform a singing and dancing routine, with the event mainly aimed at small children.

Sharon added: “A lot more adults turned up than we expected, which was great, and some of them came in costumes too.

“It was received fantastically well

“It was an absolutely amazing day.

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“No matter where we go, we seem to get a really good reaction, but this one was particularly pleasing considering it was a new place for us to hold a convention.

“It’s a family fun day out and it’s great to see so many people enjoying it.”

Unleashed run comic conventions in the north of England, from Hull to Gateshead, and they are now looking forward to the next event in Hartlepool, at the Borough Hall in March.

It will be on between 11am and 4pm, with entry costing £6 for adults and £4 for under-12s.

There will be traders, guests, exhibits, competitions and more.

More information on the event, including dealer bookings, is available by sending an email to [email protected].

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