Police record 14 child sex reports a week

Child sex abuse action callChild sex abuse action call
Child sex abuse action call
Over 14 child sexual abuse crimes a week have been recorded in the Cleveland Police area, new figures reveal.

Office for National Statistics data shows that Cleveland Police recorded 740 child sexual abuse crimes in 2019-20.

The children's charity NSPCC says while the Government's recent Tackling Child Sexual Abuse Strategy puts the emphasis on early intervention, it must be backed up with action and funding.

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The figures show the number of child sexual abuse crimes in Cleveland decreased by 12% compared to two years earlier, when 841 cases were recorded.

Nationally, 61,800 child sexual abuse crimes were recorded in 2019-20 – 12% more than in 2017-18.

Anna Edmundson, head of policy at the NSPCC, said: “Behind these figures are thousands of children and young people who have suffered sexual abuse which can have a devastating impact on their lives.

“The Government’s Tackling Child Sexual Abuse Strategy is an important first step in protecting and supporting children."

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She added that the Government should also invest in a multi-agency model of care for child sexual abuse.

A Home Office spokesman said: “Child sexual abuse is a sickening crime that can devastate lives.

“The publication of the Tackling Child Sexual Abuse Strategy builds on the Government’s commitment to ensuring there are no safe spaces online or offline for offenders to abuse vulnerable children.

“It will ensure offenders of these horrific crimes are swiftly brought to justice.

"This includes equipping police with enhanced powers and tools, including investing in the UK’s world-leading Child Abuse Image Database and introducing the ground-breaking Online Safety Bill.