Fancy a ride on the Mad Mouse big dipper - Seaton Carew 1970s-style?

The fairground at Seaton Carew in 1970. Photos courtesy of the Reference Library and the Douglas Ferriday collection.The fairground at Seaton Carew in 1970. Photos courtesy of the Reference Library and the Douglas Ferriday collection.
The fairground at Seaton Carew in 1970. Photos courtesy of the Reference Library and the Douglas Ferriday collection.
Who remembers the days of the Mad Mouse '“ the latest big dipper to pull in the crowds at Seaton Carew.

If you were around in 1970 you probably will, because that’s when it was advertised as the latest attraction for the thousands of visitors to the resort.

Let’s take a trip back 48 years and look at Seaton’s highlights at the start of a new decade.

Some of the shops on The Front in the '70s. Photos courtesy of the Reference Library and the Douglas Ferriday collection.Some of the shops on The Front in the '70s. Photos courtesy of the Reference Library and the Douglas Ferriday collection.
Some of the shops on The Front in the '70s. Photos courtesy of the Reference Library and the Douglas Ferriday collection.

Hurry hurry! said the advert.

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Seaton Carew’s amusement park was urging people to get along and enjoy a whole host of entertainment.

As well as The Mad Mouse, there were other attractions such as the jolly caterpillar, the Golden Gallopers, the ghost train, the Grand Prix dodgem cars.

There was the new-style waltzers, an amusement arcade and, of course, bingo.

A visit to Golden Sands Amusement Centre was worth a go. Children could go on rides such as Pony Express, Missile and Indianapolis.

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Or, at the Collins Amusement Centre, why not try ‘the latest in automatics and prize bingo’.

On The Front, there was the Rock Shop which had an advert in the Hartlepool Mail saying: “People come a long way for our rock.”

But it didn’t just sell rock. You could get cards, souvenirs, confectionery and more as well. Who remembers paying a visit?

There was The Magic Shop, opposite the Clock Tower, where you could ‘see 1,000 gimmicks’.

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Or for a bite to eat, why not try the Waverley Cage which boasted “excellent waitress service, morning coffee, lunches, high teas and snacks.”

For the adults, there were plenty of hostelries such as the Station Hotel and the Golden Flatts to quench your thirst.

And if you wanted to stock up on sun cream, sunglasses and toiletries, you could get along to M&J Pharmacy in Elizabeth Way.

If you fancied a bit of clothes shopping, there was Tutoos Boutique which stocked “ladies fashions for all ages.”

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It was on the seafront and also boasted that it was open all day on a Wednesday in an era when half day closing was the norm.

Another great place for a visit was the Longscar Hall entertainment centre where you could enjoy the restaurant, cafeteria and concerts. In 1970, one of the many acts on the bill was the Rasa Ensemble.

They had travelled from Lithuania to perform in Hartlepool with dancers, soloists and a choral section.

But what really made Seaton special, according to the Hartlepool Mail story at the time, was the ‘sandy shore’ which stretched for miles.

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The report added: “In addition, Seaton is fortunate in having wide, grassy dunes that provide an ideal playground and picnic spot for families and parents, who must have gone there with their own children years ago, now bring their grandchildren to the same spot.”

What are your Seaton 70s memories?