Gina helps tarot fans take note with YouTube videos

Gina Pontoni in her studio. Picture by FRANK REIDGina Pontoni in her studio. Picture by FRANK REID
Gina Pontoni in her studio. Picture by FRANK REID
Singing psychic Gina Pontoni hopes to help people across the world tune into the skill of reading tarot cards with the help of her video blog.

The 52-year-old has launched her own YouTube Channel to meet the demand of followers who want to join in her weekly workshops but struggle to make it to Hartlepool.

The Coven sessions see around 30 women taught the meaning of the cards, the use of crystals, mediation and spirituality.

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Gina Pontoni in her studio. Picture by FRANK REIDGina Pontoni in her studio. Picture by FRANK REID
Gina Pontoni in her studio. Picture by FRANK REID

Gina was taught to read cards aged 10 by her grandmother Bessie Birkbeck and turned it into Tarot Connection business as she recovered from a car crash in 2004.

She now uploads blogs to the Singing Psychic channel, taking two cards each time to discuss with her followers, with a few spells, bursts of song and a joke or two added in.

She is helped out by mum Betty Spencelayh, who acts as her camera operator, and is filmed from her base at the Hartlepool Business Centre in Scarborough Street.

“It’s just absolutely taken off from the first blog,” she said.

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“For a long time people have got in touch to say they would love me to teach them, but they’re down in London or up in Scotland, so I came up with this idea.
“The cards are picked totally by chance.

“What I do is associate them with a song, for example the Ace of Cups, this is the love card, so I’ll sing out ‘When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that’s amore.’

People love it, the letters I’ve had are just amazing.

“They ask for readings for all sorts of reasons, sometimes they want a bit of direction and want to know where they’re going in life.

“To me it’s not a gift, if someone’s interested enough and they want to help people, if they are compassionate, then anybody can do it.

“I think my strength is communicating with people, and I’ve done it on the stage for years, and that puts people at ease.”