Hartlepool Borough Council approves new takeaway at second attempt

76 Church Street which is planned to become a takeaway and flat above76 Church Street which is planned to become a takeaway and flat above
76 Church Street which is planned to become a takeaway and flat above
Permission for a new takeaway in Hartlepool's Church Street have been approved at the second time of asking.

Proposals for the vacant unit at 76 Church Street were rejected by Hartlepool Borough Council’s planning committee in May.

It was after councillors raised concerns over road safety, the potential impact on people’s health and fire safety worries over the storage of waste.

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But the applicant was granted permission after returning with a new application addressing the concerns.

The proposal sought a change of use from offices to takeaway and residential living accommodation on the first and second floors.

The premises have stood empty since 2011 when the Barnardo’s B76 drop-in youth centre closed.

The council’s economic regeneration department said the takeaway plan did not fit in with its multi-million pound plans to create an Innovation and Skills Quarter for the area in partnership with the College of Art and Design.

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And its public health department said it was concerned more takeaways in the area could encourage people to eat unhealthily and add to the ward’s high child obesity levels.

Planning team leader Jim Ferguson told a meeting of the Planning Committee: “We have considered the regeneration strategy. We acknowledge the proposal doesn’t align with the vision but feel a single takeaway would not hamper the achievement of it in the wider area.

“As a positive point it does bring a vacant building into use.

“There are a number of takeaways in the area but as planning officers we don’t consider an additional takeaway would be detrimental to the health of the population.”

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The main change from the previous application was the inclusion of seating for up to 24 customers.

Addressing highway concerns Terry Bates, speaking for the applicant, said there was sufficient short stay parking on Church Street.

Councillors voted in favour of the application by six with two abstentions.