Hartlepool Golf Club captain swings into action to raise £17,000 for Alice House hospice

Hartlepool Golf Club 2018-19 captain Neil Ashby (left) hands over a cheque for £17,000 to Greg Hildreth of Alice House Hospice.Hartlepool Golf Club 2018-19 captain Neil Ashby (left) hands over a cheque for £17,000 to Greg Hildreth of Alice House Hospice.
Hartlepool Golf Club 2018-19 captain Neil Ashby (left) hands over a cheque for £17,000 to Greg Hildreth of Alice House Hospice.
Generous golfer certainly swung into action raising an incredible £17,000 for Alice House Hospice in Hartlepool.

Hartlepool Golf Club captain Neil Ashby nominated the hospice as his chosen charity for 2018-19.

It was after his sister Susan Dunn (nee Ashby) sadly died in May 2014 after being cared for in the hospice in Wells Avenue.

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Over the course of the year Neil raised money through music nights, taking part in the Great North Run, a pub crawl, bucket collection, cycle ride and Boxing Day Dip along with his sister Maxine.

He was well supported by friends, family and fellow club members.

Neil said: “It has been an honour and a privilege to raise the funds for Alice House as a thank you for all the support the family received whilst Susan was being cared for.”

His total also included support from Santander bank and hospitality company Whitbread which provided match funding against an auction night and the Great North Run.

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Hospice fundraiser Greg Hildreth said: “What an incredible amount to have raised in just one year – it has been an absolute pleasure working with and getting to know Neil and his family who are long-term supporters of hospice care.

“Neil’s hard work and the backing he has received from all around him is a brilliant tribute to his sister Susan and will help ensure that future patients can access the care that they need.”

Many past Hartlepool Golf Club captains have supported the hospice and club members have entered the Great North Run every year for the last decade.

The hospice provides specialist care to people with life limiting illnesses, counselling and support to hundreds of adults from Hartlepool and East Durham a year.

It must raise £2.5 million of its annual £3.3 million budget through the local community and other fundraising initiatives.

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