Hartlepool pupils raise cash for Miles For Men

Miles For Men founder Michael Day, headteacher Stephen Hammond, M4M director Stephen Picton, fundraiser Ralph Foster Year 11 sports captains and Year 7 student David Collier.Miles For Men founder Michael Day, headteacher Stephen Hammond, M4M director Stephen Picton, fundraiser Ralph Foster Year 11 sports captains and Year 7 student David Collier.
Miles For Men founder Michael Day, headteacher Stephen Hammond, M4M director Stephen Picton, fundraiser Ralph Foster Year 11 sports captains and Year 7 student David Collier.
It was smiles all round at a Hartlepool school as pupils great pride in handing over a cheque to local charity Miles 4 Men.

As part of the Year 6 transition in July, English Martyrs School and Sixth Form College arranged for the new cohort of students arriving in September to take part in a mini Miles For Men with Year 7 students in a race around the school field to raise money.

Unfortunately, due to bad weather the event had to be postponed and re-arranged when the students joined the school in September.

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Fast forward a few months and the students have used some of their PE lessons to complete the task they set out to do and raised sponsorship for.

The total sum raised for Miles For Men was a staggering £1,856.63, with Year 7 students Katie Gray and David Collier raising the highest individual totals.

Deputy headteacher Paul Dickson said: “The school was delighted to support this worthwhile local charity.

“Not a week goes by without an uplifting story of how M4M has supported a family who has been affected by cancer.”

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“We are always looking at ways to develop activities, as part of our transition programme and to take part in an event that brings current pupils together with our incumbent Year 7 was a brilliant all-round experience.”

Michael Day, founder of M4M, is a former student of the school, and a shining example of how the ethos and spirit lives on long after pupils leave.

He said: “I can’t thank the students of English Martyrs enough for their hard work and generosity.”

“It’s strange to come back to my old school many years after I left, but it’s great that they are supporting the work we do in the town.”

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Headteacher Stephen Hammond added: “Our students never cease to amaze me with their generosity and compassion.”

“The event was a huge success and we are looking to make it even bigger next year during the Year 6 transition days in July.”

“As part of the fundraising, our house teams supported the event, and a donation has also been made to our five house charities - Great North Air Ambulance, CLIC Sargent, RNLI, Guide Dogs for the Blind and Teenage Cancer Trust.”

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