'Killer had God-like complex' says brother of Hartlepool mum stabbed 30 times in the street

Kelly Franklin.Kelly Franklin.
Kelly Franklin.
A man accused of murdering his former partner talked about joining the Army so he could legally kill people, a court heard.

Torbjorn Kettlewell, who is accused of stabbing to death Kelly Franklin, 29, with whom he had three children, was described yesterday as having a controlling God-like complex.

Kelly's brother Paul Robinson told Teesside Crown Court that Kettlewell had a fascination with Gurkha knives and paratroopers and had spoken about joining the Army.

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Police at the scene.Police at the scene.
Police at the scene.

Jamie Hill QC, prosecuting, asked Mr Robinson: "Did he say what the advantages were of being in the Army?"

Mr Robinson, 25, said: "It was a legal way of killing people and he would be a trained killer."

Mr Robinson described how Kelly changed after getting together with Kettlewell, who changed his name from Ian to Torbjorn after the name of a computer game character.

He said she went from being outspoken and confident to the opposite when with Kettlewell, 30, of Oval Grange, Hartlepool.

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Torbjorn Kettlewell.Torbjorn Kettlewell.
Torbjorn Kettlewell.

Mr Hill said: "How did the Kelly you grew up with compare to the Kelly living with Ian Kettlewell?"

Mr Robinson said: "She didn't. She wasn't Kelly."

Asked to describe Kettlewell he said: "Narcisistic with a God-like complex."

He said Kettlewell started calling Kelly fat when she was pregnant, but when challenged by members of Kelly's family would react negatively.

Emergency services at the scene.Emergency services at the scene.
Emergency services at the scene.

The court heard that when the children were born, Kettlewell would prevent Kelly's family from seeing them for certain periods of time.

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There were also concerns about Kettlewell's behaviour towards the children.

Mr Hill asked: "On one occasion did you see him pick the baby up by one leg and dangle him?"

Mr Robinson replied: "Multiple times."

The jury heard how Kettlewell and Kelly would separate several times before getting back together.

When Kelly was pregnant with her second child Kettlewell went to America to be with a woman he had not even met.

He returned after the baby was born.

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Mr Robinson said when Kelly moved back with the family she would slowly return to her old self.

He said: "Every year of their relationship something happened, the family picked it up and then it reverted back to how it was."

Despite Kettlewell's behaviour and talk, Mr Robinson said he never believed he would hurt Kelly.

"We always had a thought but we truly didn't believe that he would kill her," he said.

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Mr Robinson agreed with Richard Wright QC, defending Kettlewell that Kettlewell was impulsive and had mood swings.

He agreed with John Elvidge QC, defending co-accused Julie Wass, 48, of Kipling Road, Hartlepool, that Kettlewell said things for effect.

"He was a man who appeared to be full of grandiose and bluster," said Mr Elvidge.

Mr Robinson said: "Yes."

Kettlewell and Wass deny murder. Wass admits assisting an offender.

The trial continues.