FEELING GREAT: Simple ways to relieve back, neck and shoulder pain during lockdown

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A regular patient of our emailed in the other week telling us that she’s noticing a lot more stiffness in her back since lockdown and wants some tips to help.

And like many of us, this patient is also working from home resulting in very little movement each day!

And although working from home comes with many perks such as no one knowing if you’re wearing comfy clothes from the waist down and, being able to grab a snack anytime you like - neck, back and shoulder pain surely aren’t one of the many perks.

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Fortunately, the right stretches can get rids of those aches and pains. So, here’s some tips to help loosen your joints if you’re noticing more aches and pains too. Let’s begin with back pain. Simple stretches done throughout the day, or when you feel like you need to, can make all the difference.

McKenzie cobra extensions are a great way to mobilise your back if you’ve been sitting for a while.

Simply stand upright with your feet shoulder width apart and put your hands on your back to give it support. Keeping your legs straight, lean back as far as you can go. If you can do this once it will help but do a few in a row for added benefits.

When it comes to neck pain, the key with neck exercises is they should be very slow and controlled.

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With a straight back, lower your neck to your chest and hold. Relax, and then slowly move your head back to face the ceiling. And, if you have shoulder pain - it’s helpful to know that many people hold tension in their shoulders when they’re stressed. The shoulders also hunch forward when we slouch, which can also lead to stiffness.

Shoulder shrugs are a great way to strengthen your shoulder muscles and rid of tension. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, your arms by your side and your knees slightly bent and facing straight ahead. While you inhale, slowly bring your shoulders high up towards your ears, then lower them back down and breathe out. Aim for three sets of 10 repetitions.

So, there you have it, three simple movements you can do easily at home at ANY time. For more tips like this to ease back pain, go here and download a free copy of our back pain guide: https://www.paulgoughphysio.com/back-pain/