MIKE HILL: Praise is due to ‘The Jab Army’

MP praises effective vaccination effort.MP praises effective vaccination effort.
MP praises effective vaccination effort.
Moving to the next stage of the COVID vaccination programme could have happened sooner for Hartlepool because, as we all know, we were ahead of the curve on phase one and due to complete by the end of last month.

Putting arguments aside, however, over whether or not there was an actual slow down here in the North East and North Yorkshire to allow other parts of the country to receive greater supplies and to catch up, those aged 70+ are now able to book online or by calling 119, marking the beginning of stage two.

To give credit where it’s due the vaccination programme so far has been a great success. More than 12 million people have received their first dose across the UK, which is staggering and a testimony to the health workers delivering it through our GP practices. Testimony also to the ranks of volunteers helping out; the unsung heroes dubbed ‘The Jab Army’. My thanks go to everyone involved in this gargantuan task of keeping our people safe.

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