Bonfire Night advice to Hartlepool pet owners

Bonfire night pets warningBonfire night pets warning
Bonfire night pets warning
Pet owners in Hartlepool are being urged to star making preparations to keep them safe an Bonfire night approaches.

Experts at the People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals (PDSA) says owners – especially those who took on a pet for the first time during the pandemic – should take steps to reduce the distress and suffering that fireworks can cause for many animals.

Animals’ enhanced senses mean they can find the loud noises and bright flashes from fireworks overwhelming, which can lead to severe anxiety and trauma.

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PDSA vet nurse Nina Downing said: “The firework season may be an especially difficult time for pups who were raised during lockdown.

"Our research indicates that 40% of dogs are afraid of fireworks.

“Thankfully, there are simple steps to reduce this distress and the sooner owners start preparing the better. There are plenty of things owners can do now to help.”

The PDSA has produced a free guide to help owners lessen the impact on their pets.

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Advice includes getting pets used to the bangs and whistles at least six weeks prior to Bonfire Night, make sure homes are secure so they can’t flee in panic, create a ‘den’ in a quiet room or cupboard and make sure pets regard this space as being safe well in advance.

Vets can also advise on measures like professional behaviour therapy or prescribe medications to help.

For more information on how to prepare your pet for Bonfire Night and to download PDSA’s free Firework Guide, go to visit

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