Council condemns people who disturbed little tern nesting site in Seaton Carew

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Picture c/o Pixabay
Hartlepool Borough Council has condemned the actions of people who disturbed a little tern nesting site in Seaton Carew.

A number of public appeals have been issued in a bid to protect the nesting site of the rare seabirds on Seaton Carew beach.

A cordon and cones were placed along the promenade wall to stop people jumping off the wall into the nesting area.

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Hartlepool Borough Council chiefs are previously called on residents to respect a cordoned off area along a stretch of beach at Seaton Carew home to legally-protected little terns.

The colony of 80 to 90 birds have taken up residence there for a second time this summer.

But the cones were flung onto the beach during an incident on Saturday evening (June 27).

A council spokesman said: “Shame on the people who disturbed the Little Tern nesting area at Seaton Carew.

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“The cordon and cones we placed along the top of the prom wall to stop people jumping off the wall into the terns’ area were flung onto the beach and there are footprints where people have gone into the area.

“If you know who did this, please call 101.”

The site also falls within a dog exclusion zone – in force from May to September – and there are concerns that some owners are ignoring the ban and allowing their animals to disrupt the birds’ nests.

Council chiefs have warned people found in this area with dogs will receive a Fixed Penalty Notice.

Durham Wildlife Trust has added to the calls to protect the birds.

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A spokesman for DWT said: “For the second year running Little Terns have nested on the main beach at Seaton Carew.

“Last year they successfully fledged 39 chicks but this year they have been battling against unseasonal weather, which destroyed their nests in early June, and daily disturbance by people and dogs who persist on entering their nest site.

“Our wardens need your help, as we now have two nest sites, to ensure that the terns at Seaton Carew are left in peace to hatch their chicks and raise their young.

“Please contact Mandy at [email protected] if you could help in any way.”

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