Hartlepool man raising funds to take poorly partner on what could be her last holiday

Natalie Dwyer with her partner Matthew Noble in their Hartlepool home.Natalie Dwyer with her partner Matthew Noble in their Hartlepool home.
Natalie Dwyer with her partner Matthew Noble in their Hartlepool home.
A caring man wants to put a smile back on his partner’s face.

Next year might be Matthew Noble and Natalie Dwyer’s last chance to go on a holiday together.

Thirty-five-year old Natalie suffers from cystic fibrosis and fiance Matthew has said her deteriorating health and high insurance costs mean travelling could become off-limits soon.

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Natalie has been getting better.Natalie has been getting better.
Natalie has been getting better.

This leads to lung infections and problems with digesting food.

This year alone, Natalie has been hospitalised three times because of the condition.

Matthew has said that during her latest stay in hospital in May, doctors told the family she might not return home.

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But Natalie pulled through and now Matthew is on a mission to put a smile back on her face again.

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The 39-year-old, who had to give up his job as an operator at an environmental services company in May 2020 so he could care full time for Natalie, is trying to raise £4,000 to take her on a family holiday to Turkey next year.

If it goes ahead, it would be Natalie’s first holiday in 10 years.

Matthew said: “It might be her last chance to go on a holiday with her health deteriorating and how much the insurance is.

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"It’d be amazing for us, just the memories. Even if this is the last time.

"It’d be nice just to see her laughing and not having to worry about going to the hospital.

"It’d be nice to see a smile on her face again.”

The couple, who have been together for 18 years after meeting at a barbecue, moved to Hartlepool from Stockton in October last year.

Although she needs to be on oxygen and is in a wheelchair a lot of the time, Natalie is currently improving and Matthew has said the prospect of going on a holiday is motivating her to get better.

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Matthew, originally from Billingham, added: “She’s lovely, caring. She used to be always smiling and having fun.”

You can donate to the fundraising appeal at www.crowdfunder.co.uk/helping-a-very-poorly-girl-have-a-holiday.

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