Wheelchair swing and basketball hoop among improvement plans for Hartlepool parks

The Ward Jackson Park play area, pictured in 2018.The Ward Jackson Park play area, pictured in 2018.
The Ward Jackson Park play area, pictured in 2018.
New play equipment, improved security and improved disabled access are among a raft of improvements planned for Hartlepool’s parks.

Council chiefs have outlined increased investment in several play parks to provide more facilities for families, including those with disabilities.

Ward Jackson Park, Burn Valley Gardens and Seaton Park are among those set for new facilities under Hartlepool’s neighbourhood investment programme.

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Councillors have now chosen the sites to invest at, with a new climbing frame to be installed at Ward Jackson Park, where recently it had been necessary to remove equipment due to age and vandalism.

A wheelchair accessible roundabout will also be fitted, and council leader Coun Shane Moore added more equipment for those with disabilities would be installed at play parks going forward.

He said: “I think it’s also worth noting the commitment this committee made last year, in any new or existing play areas when we make changes to them, accessible equipment will be installed in all of them.”

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The second site identified as part of the funding is Burn Valley Garden where several items of equipment will be installed once council installed CCTV is completed.

Council officers said a separate sum will be set aside for the site and if there is a reduction in antisocial behaviour, more equipment could be put in.

Coun Dave Hunter said: “That is a deprived ward, it is a forgotten ward, they’ve lived there for two years with a park with nothing…it needs installing as fast as possible.”

A basketball hoop installed on the recently completed tennis courts at Seaton Park, with a new accessible swing also on the way.

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Coun Sue Little, who represents the area on the council, said: “To have this swing put in Seaton Park, for those children and young adults who have never been on a swing because they’re in a wheelchair, I’m so proud to be a Seaton ward councillor.”

The proposals were all approved by councillors on Hartlepool Borough Council’s Finance and Policy Committee.