Quarter of UK travellers less likely to visit US with Trump in power

Does Trump being in power put you off?Does Trump being in power put you off?
Does Trump being in power put you off?
More than a quarter (27%) of UK holidaymakers say they are less likely to visit the US while Donald Trump remains president, a survey has found.

Just 6% of people claim they are more likely to book a trip across the Atlantic while he is in the White House.

The research also found that 40% of travel trade executives disagree that America "is a country to do business with" while Mr Trump is in power.

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Around one in six (16%) say he has had the biggest impact on their organisation in the past year.

On January 27 Mr Trump introduced a controversial executive order banning visitors from seven Muslim countries hours after Theresa May became the first foreign leader to meet him in the Oval Office.

The president said the measure - subsequently challenged in the courts - was necessary for security reasons.

The survey findings were published to mark the opening of trade show World Travel Market (WTM) at the Excel exhibition centre in east London on Monday.

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Some 1,025 holidaymakers and 1,622 travel trade executives took part in the survey.

The results support previous evidence showing Mr Trump's election has had a negative impact on US inbound tourism.

Online travel firm Kayak reported a 30% fall in searches for flights to the US when the result of the presidential election was confirmed in November last year.

The Global Business Travel Association has predicted that a drop-off in tourism will result in 4.3 million fewer visitors to the US this year, worth 7.4 billion US dollars (£5.7 billion) in lost revenue.