Seaton by-election: Who will get your vote?

The area of land between the bottom of Seaton Lane and The Longscar Centre. Picture by FRANK REIDThe area of land between the bottom of Seaton Lane and The Longscar Centre. Picture by FRANK REID
The area of land between the bottom of Seaton Lane and The Longscar Centre. Picture by FRANK REID
Residents of Seaton ward will go to the polls on Thursday to elect a new councillor.

A by-election has been called following the resignation from Hartlepool Borough Council of Independent councillor Paul Thompson last month.

Five candidates, representing all four political parties on the council, are vying to fill the seat, along with one independent.

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Seaton by-election UKIP candidate Karen KingSeaton by-election UKIP candidate Karen King
Seaton by-election UKIP candidate Karen King

Each explains why they are standing and why they think they deserve your votes.

Karen King (UKIP)

It seems as if the people in Seaton have been continually fighting landfills, higher landfills, ghost ships, waste food recycling plants, monster wind turbines and the list goes on.

Even right now the residents of Seaton are still fighting additional wind turbines, of course of late, new parking charges.

Independent candidate Sue LittleIndependent candidate Sue Little
Independent candidate Sue Little

I want to join them and help them in every way I can.

Everyone knows that this ‘temporary parking charges pilot scheme’ will never be withdrawn, and to me it’s destroyed the free and easy ambience of Seaton.

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UKIP is the main opposition in Hartlepool with six councillors and we are a strong voice for residents.

UKIP councillors have voiced opposition to the recent car parking charges, voted against Council Tax rises.

Seaton by-election Labour candidate Ann MarshallSeaton by-election Labour candidate Ann Marshall
Seaton by-election Labour candidate Ann Marshall

UKIP also voted against a rise in councillor allowances and REFUSED the increase.

If you vote for me I will not let you down. I’m ready to roll up my sleeves and work for you as your Seaton councillor.

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Only UKIP can provide strong opposition to Labour in Hartlepool and Seaton, your vote can make a real difference on Thursday, October 19.

Sue Little (Independent)

Seaton by-election Puting Hartlepool First candidate Leisa SmithSeaton by-election Puting Hartlepool First candidate Leisa Smith
Seaton by-election Puting Hartlepool First candidate Leisa Smith

I have been active within the council committees for several years now, I find it very rewarding when I’ve had my comments actioned upon, but the greatest satisfaction, is when I’ve helped a fellow resident, with issues that might not seem traumatic to others but to the person with whom it concerns could be the most horrendous situation that they have found themselves to be in.

I’m aware that the ward doesn’t just stop at Seaton railway bridge it goes from Blackfords Nursery to Tesco’s back over to Seaton Beach and all the houses in between.

I’m a true independent, I don’t have anyone advising and helping me like the all the parties have.

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It’s just me and my family and I need to work a lot harder to get my name out there.

I also believe that in local councils all elected personnel should be independent and vote accordingly for their resident not a party.

Parties are not always best.

Seaton by-election Conservative candidate Mike YoungSeaton by-election Conservative candidate Mike Young
Seaton by-election Conservative candidate Mike Young

I believe that I am the right person to represent our ward.

For a better Seaton Ward.

Vote Sue Little.

Ann Marshall (Labour)

As a resident of the ward, I am happy to be standing as Labour candidate after being selected by members based on my experience and previous track record.

I have made it clear that I will represent the will of the residents of our ward regarding controversial issues such as planning, parking charges and the proposed wind turbines.

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I also have a great deal of experience in fighting landlords to bring derelict buildings back into public ownership and raising funds for community development.

My priorities are to continue the recent work of the Labour-led council in bringing the much-needed investment into the area, thus injecting life back into our ward, to bring healthcare and community services into the ward via Seaton library, and to finalise the compulsory purchase order started by Labour councillors on the Longscar Centre.

Seaton Carew and the greater ward has suffered from a lack of real representation for years. This has stifled Seaton’s voice.

As the only candidate with council experience and a proven track record for getting things done, I am offering Seaton residents a voice that matters.

Leisa Smith (Putting Hartlepool First)

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Living in Seaton, I have always had an interest in what goes on in our community.

For this reason, when Paul Thompson told me he would support my candidacy I decided to stand in the local elections for Seaton Ward.

I recognised the need to have an honest, strong and up front candidate to carry on the work Paul has done.

I will fight against the issues that affect you the most; wind turbines, Longscar Hall, parking and landfill sites to name but a few.

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I want the resident’s opinions to be at the forefront of any council decision making and push for the regeneration monies to be spent back into Seaton and not on councillors’ egos.

I believe within Hartlepool, Seaton Ward has been ignored, a dumping ground for poisonous waste and a point of income for a greedy council with little real investment and I want this to change!

I want it to be a safe, pleasant and vibrant place in which to live, work and bring up children.

Vote Leisa Smith (Putting Hartlepool First) on October 19.

I want to be your councillor, to listen to you and fight alongside you on the things that affect us all.

Mike Young (Local Conservative)

Time to put Seaton back on the political map!

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A vote for me on October 19, will guarantee that Seaton will be back on the political map.

In recent years, Seaton has been represented by those who have absolutely no influence in the council.

Voting Local Conservative will mean that any issues I raise will be taken seriously within the council chamber. At the last General Election many people believed that only the two major parties – Conservative and Labour – are able to make a difference both locally and nationally.

I guarantee my attendance to all committee meetings in support of the ward. I am aware that 95% of committees are held during the day. I will take time off work to attend them.

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Improve traffic calming throughout the ward – particularly at the more significant bends around the shopping parade.

The Longscar Centre: I am working with the owners of the building. Conversations with them are proving extremely positive.

Seaton Wind Turbines: I want to see the best possible outcome regarding this issue.

Car parking charges: I will work with all parties to support the right outcome.

I will listen and deliver for you. Vote for Mike Young – Local Conservative at Thursday’s by-election.