Thug jailed for assaulting girlfriend and her neighbour

Teesside Crown CourtTeesside Crown Court
Teesside Crown Court
A woman who was attacked by her drunken partner greeted him with a smile in court.

Michael Cronin, 45, from Hartlepool, had spent the equivalent of six month jail sentence while on remand after the incident at a house in MIddlesbrough on July 11.

Cronin turned up drunk and causing a nuisance at her home in Ainderby Walk, Middlesbrough, and she went next door asking her neighbour for help.

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Teesside Crown Court heard the women later found him throwing objects around, and Cronin squared up to one of them.

He grabbed her by the throat outside the house and he pushed her into the other woman causing an injury to her nose.

Judge Tony Briggs described the incident as ‘unpleasant’.

Judge Briggs jailed Cronin for three months and said: “If there is a repetition of this behaviour the sentence will be longer.”

When police arrived they found him in an intoxicated state, and he made no reply to all questions.

The court heard he had previous convictions for assaults.

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Prosecutor Paul Abrahams told the judge: “The complainant is in the public gallery and she has indicated that she does not support the prosecution.

“There is a draft order for restraint on the system involving the complainant, who has withdrawn her assistance.

“He has been remanded in custody and served the equivalent of a six months sentence which is the maximum sentence in any effect.”

The woman stood up when Cronin was brought into the dock and she smiled and waved at him.

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Rod Hunt, defending, said: “He has been in custody since his arrest.

“He is known to the probation service and he will be on licence for nine months.

“He will have some supervision. It is a case where drink is involved.

“When I first went to see him in custody, one can hardly recognise him from the man I see now.”

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Judge Tony Briggs told Cronin: “This was an unpleasant business.

“You were drunk and being a nuisance to everybody.

“All I can say is that if there is a repetition of this behaviour the sentence will be longer.”

Cronin, of Raby Road, Hartlepool, was given a three months jail sentence after he pleaded guilty to two charges of assault by beating.