How Take a Friend Fishing plans to get people hooked on fishing

The relaxing sport of fishing has been cresting a wave of interest post lockdown.

Anglers have been clambering to get back on the riverbank since May 13 when fishing was one of the first pastimes to be allowed back after restrictions were eased.

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And a joint initiative called Take a Friend Fishing (TAFF), where licensed anglers take a mate fishing for free for a day, is hoping to reel in even more people.

The fishing introduction scheme run by the Angling Trust, the Environment Agency and Angling Trades Association is in its second phase this year. The first instalment, over two-weeks in July, was very successful with hundreds of applications for complimentary day licences being received.

This has led to the scheme being extended until October 4, which is a good time for coarse and fly fishing.

Clive Copeland, head of participation at the Angling Trust, said his organisation was working hard to dispel some preconceptions about the sport.

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