Beach clean campaigners calling for volunteers for Hartlepool operation

Craig Boumphrey and Kirsty Wood pictured during a previous clear up session.Craig Boumphrey and Kirsty Wood pictured during a previous clear up session.
Craig Boumphrey and Kirsty Wood pictured during a previous clear up session.
A team will have bags at the ready when it joins in a national clear up of a beach.

Sea Shepherd UK is holding 30 events across the country as part of its Marine Debris Campaign, with the group behind Seal Sands Beach Cleans among those to sign up.

It already has around 10 members, with more people being recruited as it works to remove waste from the North Gare, where Sea Shepherd and British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR) volunteers have helped remove around 5 tonnes of waste during the last few years, with televisions, a Portaloo door and tyres among the items cleared.

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Some of the waste removed by the The Seal Sands Beach Cleans on a previous occasion.Some of the waste removed by the The Seal Sands Beach Cleans on a previous occasion.
Some of the waste removed by the The Seal Sands Beach Cleans on a previous occasion.

Seals, gulls, dolphins and whales live in the area, with the rubbish impacting on their welfare.

Craig Boumphrey, 35, a courier from Billingham, is among those who will lead the event next month.

He said: “There are a lot of waste brought in by the tide there from ships, so we get a lot of ropes, rubbish, bottles, nets and all sorts get washed up.

“It’s very important we do this for our oceans because they are getting full of plastic and for years people have been throwing things in our seas.

Tyres, parts of a garden chair and pieces of plastic have been found washed up by The Seal Sands Beach Cleans.Tyres, parts of a garden chair and pieces of plastic have been found washed up by The Seal Sands Beach Cleans.
Tyres, parts of a garden chair and pieces of plastic have been found washed up by The Seal Sands Beach Cleans.

“The more help we get to clear it up, the better.

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“We’ve found Styrofoam, chemicals, fishing nets and all of that is bad for the seals down there and can make them ill or cause them injury.”

The group carries out a clean up every four weeks, with the Sea Shepherd event to start at noon and run until around 2.30pm on Saturday, March 10.

Helpers can meet at the Blue Lagoon car park.

Seal Sands Beach Cleans have seen tonnes of rubbish cleared from the North Gare area.Seal Sands Beach Cleans have seen tonnes of rubbish cleared from the North Gare area.
Seal Sands Beach Cleans have seen tonnes of rubbish cleared from the North Gare area.

People of all ages can join in and all equipment including bags and pickers will be supplied.

The session will be part of a global effort which aims to educate people about the affect pollution is having on the sea and coastline, particularly plastic from souces including single-use coffee cups and bottles, cotton bud sticks and plastic cutlery.

More details can be found through the Seal Sands Beach Cleans Facebook page.