Fantastic hospital workers praised for top-class work

Claire with mum Monica, sister Kate and consultant surgeon Amlan Banerjee.Claire with mum Monica, sister Kate and consultant surgeon Amlan Banerjee.
Claire with mum Monica, sister Kate and consultant surgeon Amlan Banerjee.
A mum has praised a North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust team for the way it cared for her daughter.

Monica Smith’s daughter Claire had emergency surgery to remove part of her bowel.

Claire, 27, who has Down’s Syndrome, was brought into accident and emergency complaining about stomach pain.

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Scans showed she had a perforated bowel which needed an immediate operation.

Monica said: “It was a worrying time.

“Even though I spent a lot of time with her we did have to leave her in hospital sometimes.

“But I can’t thank staff enough for the treatment she had, we’re happy with everything.”

Consultant surgeon Amlan Banerjee said: “It’s fantastic to see Claire now looking so well after being so poorly.

“She has been very brave and I am really pleased with how well she is now.”