Fresh hope for Hartlepol cabin owners

Middleton cabins in HartlepoolMiddleton cabins in Hartlepool
Middleton cabins in Hartlepool
A meeting is due to take place today which aims to allow a community of Hartlepool cabin owners to remain on their site for another year.

The Middleton Cabin owners were due to have to leave their location, where they have been since 2009.

It follows Hartlepool Borough Council serving notice of its intention to terminate a 10-year lease with landowners PD Ports in February this year, roughly a year early.

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The council said it could no longer afford a £10,000 subsidy due to budget pressures.

At a meeting today, the council will put forward a proposal to the cabin owners, where they can stay on the site until April next year if they agree to pay the rent in full.

The council previously agreed to lease the land from PD Ports at a market rate rent and then charge the cabin owners a subsidised rent.

Councillor Kevin Cranney, chairman of the council’s Regeneration Services Committee, said: “After being lobbied by Councillor McLaughlin on a number of occasions regarding the Middleton Cabins I am absolutely delighted we have been able to agree this proposal, which would allow cabin owners to remain on the current site.

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“We support local community groups wherever possible and this proposal gives them time to seek alternative options for their future.”

Headland and Harbour ward councillor Mike McLaughlin said: “I am pleased the council is taking this positive step with the Middleton cabin owners.

“It is the result of many hours of lobbying the chair man of the Regeneration Services Policy Committee, other members of the committee and the council leader and I am grateful for their agreement to my proposal.

“Ultimately, a way forward can only now be found by direct engagement between council officers and the cabin owners and I wish them well in those discussions.”

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The cabins originated on another site in the 1950s and were originally used by owners to store fishing and boating equipment.

Over the years they have become more of a social community of like-minded people.

Ron Clark, of the Middleton Cabins, said: “After protracted discussions over the last year it looks as though today’s meeting will come to a satisfactory conclusion.”

The owners are expected to apply for grants to help them meet the rent costs with council assistance.