JILL MORTIMER: Healthy findings following visit to hospital and trust meeting

The Rowan Suite Maternity Unit celebrates its one-year anniversary.The Rowan Suite Maternity Unit celebrates its one-year anniversary.
The Rowan Suite Maternity Unit celebrates its one-year anniversary.
Health Care and Hartlepool hospital are two issues which are raised with me time and again, whether it be via email, at local surgeries or on the doorsteps.

This week, I was back at Hartlepool hospital catching up with the fabulous staff from the Rowan Suite Maternity Unit as they celebrate the one-year anniversary; I heard their views on how we can increase use of the suite and improve support for women at all stages of their pregnancy – I will be feeding this back at the next meeting of the Maternity APPG.

While the number of babies born at the suite has now passed 30, I know more local people would like to give birth in Hartlepool. The suite is able to offer an impressive “continuity of care approach”, and I am pleased that, in order to help women be able to choose to birth at the midwife-led suite, supportive prenatal education schemes are in place.

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I was pleased to be able to meet again with Julie Gillon, Chief Executive of North Tees NHS Foundation Trust to discuss the current performance and recovery of the trust – I am delighted to be able to share some of the positive outcomes we are seeing.

Many of you know that we have brilliant diagnostics facilities here in Hartlepool, but to put this into perspective for those who may not be aware, 86% of patients are seen within six weeks of referral under the North Tees Trust which is impressive when compared to the national and regional figures of 71% and 74% respectively.

North Tees are also working alongside the Cancer Alliance to deliver digital care summaries and results to patients on the cancer pathway, with the trust also being above both regional and national statistics when it comes to 28-day faster diagnostic standard reporting (which is over 82%). I’m sure we can all agree this is great news.

Ukraine is still very much at the forefront of all our minds. I would like to thank all those who have helped in Hartlepool’s direct aid shipment, kindly organised and sent out by local firm Hoggs Logistics.

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I am meeting with some of Ukraine’s female MPs in Westminster this week and will tell them of Hartlepool’s support and ask what else can be done.

Many thanks also to the people who have offered to house Ukrainian refugees under the new Government scheme – for anyone who would like to register their interest, please visit this website – https://homesforukraine.compaign.gov.uk