Majority of Mail readers want more money to be spent on flood defences

A flooded Usworth Road.A flooded Usworth Road.
A flooded Usworth Road.
Some Mail readers think that flooding issues need to be tackled at the source, including climate change and not building on flood plains.

Around this time of year, Tyne and Wear receives regular flood warnings from GOV.UK – this is usually due to heavy rain fall which can cause thousands of pounds worth of damage to homes and businesses.

We asked in our recent online poll: “Does more money need to be spent on flood defences?”

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More than 400 Mail readers took part and 84% agreed that more money should be spent on flood defences while, 16% disagreed.

Martin Eff said: “Flood defences only push the problems onto other areas.”

Dean Rusk said: “We need to stop building on flood plans would help as well.”

Richard Abbott-Brailey said: “We need to stop building on flood plains and address climate issues and global warming.”

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Jamie Ross said: “Stop removing natural defences like hedgerows, stop building on flood plains and plant more trees which are the best defence.”

John Little said: “Start dredging the rivers again.”

Julie Barnett said: “Stop building and cutting trees down.”

James Clare said: “Yes, but it's not just that. Waterways need to be maintained and managed, ditches cleared, drains kept free flowing and we need to keep planting more trees.

“It's lots of things.”

Rob Mackins said: “Wouldn’t the money be better spent in stopping global warming and how this is impacting on our extreme weather?”