Hart by-election candidates have their final say - Labour, The Green Party, UKIP, For Britain and the Independent Union all bid for your votes in Hartlepool

Top (L-R) Ann Johnson, Graham Craddy and Ian Griffiths
Bottom (L-R) Michael Ritchie and Graham HarrisTop (L-R) Ann Johnson, Graham Craddy and Ian Griffiths
Bottom (L-R) Michael Ritchie and Graham Harris
Top (L-R) Ann Johnson, Graham Craddy and Ian Griffiths Bottom (L-R) Michael Ritchie and Graham Harris
With the Hart ward by-election taking place, the candidates have their final say as voters prepare to cast their ballots.

People in Hartlepool in the Hart ward will choose between five candidates in the by-election taking place on July 25.

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Now the candidates have been given the opportunity to tell Mail readers why they are standing and why residents should vote for them.



I am Graham Craddy and I am sure I am a familiar face to many people in Hart ward.

Together with my team, we have been out speaking to local residents over the last few weeks, addressing your concerns.

I know everyone is fed up with the way Hartlepool has been run into the ground, first by Labour and now by the so-called Independents.

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Hartlepool needs a new approach. That is why I am standing as the For Britain candidate in this election.

My good friend Karen King won in the ward next-door in May and she is already doing a brilliant job there, working tirelessly to improve things for local people.

Give Hartlepool the fresh start it deserves. Use your vote wisely this Thursday and vote For Britain!


For the past two years, we have seen a decline in Labour’s representation in our town and in 2018 residents decided enough was enough by electing two Independent Councillors.

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Now residents have the chance to ditch Corbyn’s Labour Party entirely from the Ward by electing a third Independent Union Councillor to work alongside James Brewer & Tom Cassidy who have been working hard to represent the people of Hart Ward.

Residents wanted change, so in May this year, the Independent Union formed a coalition that would remove Labour/Socialist Labour members from overall control of Hartlepool Council.

The Independent Union are committed to fair representation by putting political differences aside and working together for the benefit of Hartlepool residents.

A vote for anyone else will likely see the vote being split and will allow Labour back into Hartlepool Council. Your Vote Matters, Vote Ian Griffiths (Independent Union) this Thursday.


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My name is Graham Harrison and I am the U.K.I.P. candidate in the upcoming ward by election.

As a lifelong resident of Hartlepool I want our town and this ward to be a pleasant place in which to live and work.

Unfortunately there are a number of issues affecting the well being of the residents mainly: Low level, opportunist crime, antisocial behaviour, such as fly-tipping and threatening behaviour, and traffic concerns.

If elected I will work with the various agencies to try to alleviate these problems.

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In addition I will campaign for a three year freeze on Council Tax. Provision of first class, cost effective public services, excellent education for all our children and first class health care provision based in Hartlepool.

If you have any issues which you would like to discuss with me I can be contacted on 0788659309.

Your vote is important to me and your support is much appreciated.


I’m originally from the town, leaving to serve my country in the WRNS, which was an incredibly proud time for me.

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This period included serving with the 2nd Submarine squadron and being stationed at Devonport during the Falklands conflict. I support many community activities across the Town, including the recent ‘Tommy to Tommy’ walk.

In Hart Ward I’d like to do all I can to bring pressure on those in authority to deal with rising levels of ASB and the general increase in crime and disorder on many fronts.

I will work hard and be totally accountable to the residents, making myself available for contact seven days a week, and I promise to fight to rectify any issues you may have.

I have had the pleasure of meeting many of you when canvassing, and I hope my sincerity, integrity and determination has been clear to those I have hadthe pleasure of speaking with.


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In the upcoming Hart Ward by-election this Thursday I’ve put myself forward as a candidate, as I believe we all need a viable alternative to the status quo of politics in our town.

It’s important that who you vote for represents the interests of every resident in their ward.

Over the past few weeks I’ve been trying to meet as many people as possible on the doorstep and I will continue to do this throughout my time as a councillor.

This along with drop in sessions and easy means of contact will allow me to take on important local issues, and take them straight to the door of the council.

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The worrying lack of public transport connecting the ward, and the uncontrollable development of unaffordable homes, are important issues, and ones that will be a focus straight away.

I will represent each of you, and I will continue to throughout my term.

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